Meeting Essential Needs with Less Waste


Using practical, cost-effective methods to reduce waste, Chemours’ waste goal teams are successfully implementing local improvement efforts. They are also evaluating new waste process options, which will require capital investments over the next few years. 

Our 2021 Waste Highlights

  • Completed transformation of four Chemours operating sites to zero waste and are working towards making all our facilities zero waste
  • Shipped 43% of our products to our customers in packaging that was either reusable or recyclable

70% reduction in landfill volume intensity

Committed to Waste Reduction and Sustainable Land Practices

Despite our efforts, landfill volume intensity increased in 2021 versus our 2018 baseline, due to several operational developments. As reduction programs mature, we expect our landfill volume intensity to decrease.

We are also committed to reducing waste across our value chain. Working with our customers, we are helping them to reduce their waste footprints by researching and designing product packaging alternatives for recycling and reuse. In addition, we are working with vendors on several initiatives, including reducing the amount of packaging materials sent to us; designing new processes and/or equipment to reduce landfill intensity; and recycling more waste materials, such as pallets and boxes.

Our Land Use and Biodiversity Team evaluates current approaches to land use and finds ways to further support biodiversity. We’re also working with partners to identify opportunities for redevelopment, sustainable land practices, habitat restoration, and enhancement, and managed open space for use by our employees and the local community.